Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Evaluate This Workshop Note: Note: Please rate each element below. Workshop Title *Workshop Date *Content: * ExcellentGoodSatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryPoor The clarity of the workshop objectives.ExcellentThe clarity of the workshop objectives. ExcellentGoodThe clarity of the workshop objectives. GoodSatisfactoryThe clarity of the workshop objectives. SatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryThe clarity of the workshop objectives. UnsatisfactoryPoorThe clarity of the workshop objectives. PoorDiversity of presentation methods.ExcellentDiversity of presentation methods. ExcellentGoodDiversity of presentation methods. GoodSatisfactoryDiversity of presentation methods. SatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryDiversity of presentation methods. UnsatisfactoryPoorDiversity of presentation methods. Poor Trainer: * ExcellentGoodSatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryPoor The trainer’s competence in delivering information and their communication skills.ExcellentThe trainer’s competence in delivering information and their communication skills. ExcellentGoodThe trainer’s competence in delivering information and their communication skills. GoodSatisfactoryThe trainer’s competence in delivering information and their communication skills. SatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryThe trainer’s competence in delivering information and their communication skills. UnsatisfactoryPoorThe trainer’s competence in delivering information and their communication skills. PoorThe trainer’s ability to answer questions clearly.ExcellentThe trainer’s ability to answer questions clearly. ExcellentGoodThe trainer’s ability to answer questions clearly. GoodSatisfactoryThe trainer’s ability to answer questions clearly. SatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryThe trainer’s ability to answer questions clearly. UnsatisfactoryPoorThe trainer’s ability to answer questions clearly. Poor Organization: * ExcellentGoodSatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryPoor Efficient time management.ExcellentEfficient time management. ExcellentGoodEfficient time management. GoodSatisfactoryEfficient time management. SatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryEfficient time management. UnsatisfactoryPoorEfficient time management. PoorSuitability of the location and timing of the workshopExcellentSuitability of the location and timing of the workshop ExcellentGoodSuitability of the location and timing of the workshop GoodSatisfactorySuitability of the location and timing of the workshop SatisfactoryUnsatisfactorySuitability of the location and timing of the workshop UnsatisfactoryPoorSuitability of the location and timing of the workshop Poor Overall assessment: * ExcellentGoodSatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryPoor The extent to which your skills or knowledge have improved after the workshop.ExcellentThe extent to which your skills or knowledge have improved after the workshop. ExcellentGoodThe extent to which your skills or knowledge have improved after the workshop. GoodSatisfactoryThe extent to which your skills or knowledge have improved after the workshop. SatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryThe extent to which your skills or knowledge have improved after the workshop. UnsatisfactoryPoorThe extent to which your skills or knowledge have improved after the workshop. PoorThe possibility of applying what you have learned in your life.ExcellentThe possibility of applying what you have learned in your life. ExcellentGoodThe possibility of applying what you have learned in your life. GoodSatisfactoryThe possibility of applying what you have learned in your life. SatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryThe possibility of applying what you have learned in your life. UnsatisfactoryPoorThe possibility of applying what you have learned in your life. PoorWill you recommend the workshop to others?ExcellentWill you recommend the workshop to others? ExcellentGoodWill you recommend the workshop to others? GoodSatisfactoryWill you recommend the workshop to others? SatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryWill you recommend the workshop to others? UnsatisfactoryPoorWill you recommend the workshop to others? Poor Additional notes:Please write down any additional feedback you have about the workshop, whether positive or negative.What could be improved in the workshop?Do you have any suggestions for future topics for workshops?Submit